Saturday, March 28, 2009

Where Fear Ends
Fear is finding fault with the future. If only we could keep in mind how uncertain our future is, then we would never try to predict what could go wrong. Fear ends right there.
–Ajahn Brahm from Opening the Door of Your Heart
From the promise land in Lipscomb Alabama
Where golden eagle table syrup and buffalo rock
Flow freely
And the train whistle blows

Thursday, March 26, 2009



for morning in the bowl of night

has loosed the arrow

that puts the stars to flight........

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

it neednt be complicated

If somebody is waking for the first time from a deep sleep, she might see the midnight stars. But if she waits long enough without going back to sleep, she will begin to see not only stars but the dawn, then the sunrise, and then the whole landscape being lit by a brilliant light coming from the sky. She will begin to see her hands, her palms, her toes, and she will also begin to see her tables, her chairs, and the world around her. And if she is clever enough to look at a mirror, she will also see herself. Similarly, the truth of the cessation of suffering is a personal discovery. It is not mystical and it does not have any connotations of religion or psychology. It is simply your experience.

From "Awakening and Blossoming," in THE TRUTH OF SUFFERING: and the Path of Liberation. Forthcoming from Shambhala Publications.


From the promise land in Lipscomb Alabama

Where golden eagle table syrup and buffalo rock

Flow freely

And the train whistle blows

Monday, March 23, 2009

fewer mistakes

How to Make Fewer Mistakes

We all make mistakes from time to time. Life is about learning to make our mistakes less often. To realize this goal, we have a policy in our monastery that monks are allowed to make mistakes. When the monks are not afraid to make mistakes, they don’t make so many.
–Ajahn Brahm, from Opening the Door of Your Heart


"Defeat is the true mirror in which you may honestly view your real self."

Jesus, The Urantia Book, Page 1740 (156:5.17)

From the promise land in Lipscomb Alabama
Where golden eagle table syrup and buffalo rock
Flow freely
And the train whistle blows

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

acrylic on canvas

painted from a tree outside my studio door

Unawakened, we continually encounter unseen difficulties, and compounding our problems, when we encounter such difficulties we curse and blame all those things on others.
When we awaken nothing really changes
This life becomes a good life when we realize that it is a good life, that we are given all that we need and that we are never abandoned by great compassion and wisdom.
Discovering that this life is a good life means waking up to the truth that both our difficulties and our gifts are opportunities, that even our deep karmic limitations are great teachers for understanding reality and experiencing the joy of liberation.

jeff wilson

From the promise land in Lipscomb Alabama
Where golden eagle table syrup and buffalo rock
Flow freely
And the train whistle blows

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

collards are planted

garden caretaker
acrylic on fencepost

he doesnt do any planting..just oversees it
he also calms any angry spirits and maintains harmony.

let us dig our gardens and not be elsewhere: Let us take long walks in the open air... Let us bathe in the rivers and lakes... Let us indulge in games... Let us be more simple: simple and true in our minds above all. Let us be ourselves. —Robert Linssen

yesterday i planted collards . they are planted to the left where you see the green rows. the green is rye which i grew there in the winter. rye adds nitrogen to the soil. what you see directly behind the post is all clay..i tilled it up but it will have to have some soil conditioners and manure and such added to it. lots of it is also shaded quite a bit by a pecan tree out of the picture to the right. directly behind the post is a row of onions. lots of pole beans grew in that row last year.
the flags you see further back are prayer flags. they have prayers for peace and compassion and well being printed on them. when the wind blows the prayers are blown out to everyone. i love to see them blowing.

***************from the promise land in lipscomb alabama; where golden eagle table syrup and buffalo rock flow freely....and the train whistle blows***************

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

the image is adam kadmon [jewish mysticism] .. primal man..the essence of man..before the garden..'everyman'
linoleum blockprint 9x12


"This world is only a bridge; you may pass over it, but you should not think to build a dwelling place upon it."
Jesus, The Urantia Book, Page 1735 (156:2.1)
we dont exist as separate beings but as 'everyman' .. like a piece of a hologram ..we have always/never been .. we will always/never be..we are .. now..this moment
we will do well to recognize what we all have in common rather than focus on our differences
When a traveler arrives at a hotel, he negotiates a price for a room and informs the staff of how long he will be staying. But as he gets comfortable there, he may begin to feel like the hotel is his home, and after a while he forgets about moving on. When the management tells him that he must give up the room, he refuses to leave. “This is where I live! Why should I leave?” There is some misunderstanding, and it leads to strife.
When we start to identify with our bodies and minds and think of this life as ours, then we are similar to the traveler who doesn’t want to leave the hotel. We have a wrong idea about this temporary stopping place, and we find ourselves always in struggle and conflict.

Ajahn Chah, from Being Dharma
from the promise land in lipscomb alabama; where golden eagle table syrup and buffalo rock flow freely....
and the train whistle blows

Friday, March 6, 2009

scratching my head again

this is so incredible that a few lines of it are enough
i have no paintings to illustrate this

this is yesterdays news but has me so baffled that i must print it. im sure most have seen it in the paper.

the jefferson county commisioners have approved a recommendation to purchase 6 garbage cans ['chase park' litter receptacles] for the new bessemer county courthouse .. at a cost of $8341 [$1439 each]....when in the same breath they say 'the county doesnt have the money to staff the courthouse'..never mind everything else they cant afford.
these are adult .. and women that we ...i sadly say... elected..and that we pay to make decisions for us.

i dont generally write too much about politics but.......

i welcome comments and suggestions

From the promise land in Lipscomb Alabama
Where golden eagle table syrup and buffalo rock
Flow freely
And the train whistle blows